Monthly Archives - September 2012

The Side Effects of LASIK Surgery

The speed at which LASIK surgery is performed may make it seem like a simple procedure with very few side effects. And indeed, you may not experience many at all. However, there are several side effects that your Houston LASIK doctor will inform you of before the procedure that you must keep in mind. They may not happen to everyone who undergoes LASIK in Houston, but being aware of them makes you an educated patient and it can also ease your mind to know these effects are normal if they occur.

First, know you will not see clearly immediately following your Houston LASIK eye surgery. Your eyes have just been through a traumatic experience and your vision will be fuzzy the day of the procedure. There will be improvement the next day, but your eyes will definitely not feel comfortable and will not be completely recovered as a full recovery may very well take months.

In the days following your LASIK surgery in Houston, your eyes may feel extremely irritated and may also have an itching and burning feeling. You may find that your eyes are red and blood shot and may also experience an extreme sensitivity to light. It is also not unusual to see haloes or what some might call “floaties” before your eyes, as well as what appear to be starbursts and glares. These visual are most common in a brightly lit room, but can happen anywhere.

Dry eye is another common side effect of this procedure in the months following Houston LASIK surgery. You may find excess crusty mucus after a night of sleep and even may experience excessive tearing that can cloud your vision temporarily. It is of the utmost importance that you diligently use the artificial tears that have been prescribed by your LASIK doctor to keep your eyes lubricated. This also helps with any burning and irritation you may be feeling. Also, do not do anything that can irritate the eyes any further. Avoid rubbing them no matter how strong your urge is to do so. And, do not use any eye makeup or creams for several weeks as these can also irritate your recovering eyes.

The good news is that these side effects usually lessen over time. Do not be alarmed if they continue for months, but you will most likely find that the occurrences are less and less as these months go by. However, if the symptoms to not decrease or even get worse, it is imperative that you call your Houston LASIK doctor immediately for an appointment.


Before and After LASIK Surgery

When you choose to undergo LASIK surgery in Houston, you are opening yourself up to a whole new world and life. You will see clearer than you had ever imagined or can ever remember and will also look at your own self differently. Your face will take on a new look when free from glasses and your life will be filled with a convenience you never imagined. Of course, to make this procedure work for you as successfully as possible, you will need to be diligent about following your Houston LASIK doctor’s advice for the best possible outcome.

Prior to undergoing LASIK in Houston, you will have a thorough examination and consultation to learn if you are an ideal candidate for this popular procedure and what Houston LASIK surgery options work best to suit your individual needs. He or she will also give you very specific instructions on what to do in the weeks and days before your surgery takes place. If you are a regular wearer of contact lenses, you will be told to opt for that spare set of glasses you should always have around to give your eyes a rest and prep them for surgery. You will also want to avoid makeup for several days prior to the surgery and definitely wear no makeup, lotions or creams the day of your LASIK because any debris in the eyes can cause infection. This may seem like somewhat of an inconvenience, but is well worth it to get the desired clear vision results with little chance of unwanted complications.

The day of your Houston LASIK eye surgery you must have a ride home from your doctor lined up. Your vision will be blurry immediately following the procedure and there is no way you would be able to drive safely. You will still want to avoid makeup around the eyes until your doctor gives the go ahead. Other things to avoid include rubbing your eyes, contact sports and pools and hot tubs, as chlorine can cause unwanted irritations.  Again, this might disrupt usual habits and activities for a bit, but like your pre-op instructions, following post-op instructions to a tee is well worth it in the end.

Remember to schedule and keep the necessary follow up appointments with your doctor to make sure your eyes are healing correctly. Your vision is a precious gift and not something you want to play around with. And LASIK surgery can enhance that gift, so call us today to schedule a consultation and learn all the benefits this incredible modern technology can bring you.